Power Hour

The Power Hour

Your chance to learn the 3 things all big business to do make BIG profits in The Power Hour!

Discuss your business with an experienced, multi-business owner who has been through what you are going through!

What do I get out the Power Hour?

We will show you the 3 essential things we use in all our businesses daily to make profits:
1. Budget – Your financial plan to get the profits you want
2. Pricing – Making sure what your selling is profitable
3. Scoreboard – If you don’t know the score how are you going to win?

Numbers are the language of businesses and when you know your numbers, you can answer questions based on fact – not guesswork or hope which immediately propels your business forward.

We will provide you with answers to your questions and solutions to your challenges in the hour however if your situation is more complex, we can offer a fee quote for any further work you wish.

Cost: £250+VAT